
Boost your career skills with online courses from Freie Universität Berlin’s Continuing Education Program

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Enhance key competencies in communication, leadership, diversity, and sustainability. Gain practical knowledge for your (future) job and a certificate from Freie Universität Berlin.

If you are eager to boost your competence profile with additional knowledge and practical skills for today’s and tomorrow’s working world, join Freie Universität Berlin Continuing Education Program (FUB-ContinuEd).

FUB-ContinuEd provides high-quality, hands-on, easy-access, and affordable courses that will enhance your personal education and professional self-confidence as well as your CV. You will gain key competencies that prepare you to (re)enter the job market while you are studying or working.

Online Certificate Courses in 2024:

  • Academic Writing in German
  • Diversity Management in International Context
  • Less Conflict, More Cooperation: Mindful Communication in the Workplace
  • Positive Leadership and Change Management: Mastering Current and Future Challenges
  • Problem-Solving Skills for Multi-Stakeholder Projects
  • Resilience and Mindful Stress Prevention
  • Sustainable Business – An Ethical Approach to Entrepreneurship
  • Switching Perspectives: Intercultural Communication and (Digital) Cross-Cultural Collaboration
  • Think Global, Act Local: Finding Solutions for Sustainability Challenges

The 7 to 9-week-courses consist of online live sessions combined with self-study activities. This format allows you to flexibly integrate further education into your everyday live. Almost all courses are taught in English and you will meet peers from all over the world.
Upon successful completion, you will receive a continuing education certificate from Freie Universität Berlin.

Sounds great? Get more information and register now:

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