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Sprachassistenz (The Language Assistant Programme)

This programme was introduced in the year 2000 by the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD), Bonn. After bringing it to India in 2006, as many as 25 Language Assistants have taught at higher education institutions in India. They are fresh graduates or postgraduates from Germany who have specialised in German Studies or German as a Foreign Language and they teach German language at foreign universities and institutions of repute.


Vertrauensdozenten-Program (DAAD Honorary Advisors Programme)

The DAAD started with a new network of DAAD alumni and Germany alumni in India, aimed at guiding, mentoring and inspiring students as well as faculty members at universities to consider Germany as a destination country or a partner country for their further education and research. This India-wide network of Vertrauendozenten was instrumental in shaping the careers of numerous scholars.



A New Passage to India (ANPtI)

This programme strengthened the Indo-German academic collaboration further and was funded by the Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF). Renewed during the 5th Inter-Governmental Consultation in 2019, the programme supported around 35 projects from 2019 to 2024.

The initiative included four core components:

  •  Indo-German Partnerships in Higher Education (IGP)
  •  German-Indian Higher Education Cooperations (DIHSK)
  •  Working Internships in Science and Engineering (WISE)
  •  Indo-German Centre for Sustainability (IGCS) at IIT Madras
    This is  a collaboration between RWTH Aachen and IIT Madras, facilitates joint interdisciplinary research and teaching in energy, water, land use and waste management. Established in 2010 as part of the DAAD A New Passage to India programme, the centre was initiated by the German and Indian governments with support from the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research. It serves as a hub for building a German-Indian network in sustainability, jointly managed by IIT Madras and RWTH Aachen. The Centre has made significant academic contributions over the years, including the mentorship and development of 3 postdoctoral researchers and 84 alumni. It has also fostered 14 collaborative partnerships, alongside organizing numerous summer and winter schools and other academic activities.