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Study & Research in Germany
Here you have a repository of information that will work as a stepping stone for study and research in Germany.
All the APS-related information is relevant for students who have received school/college education in India, not in Bhutan and Nepal.
Bachelor, Master, PhD, Medicine and a lot more
Bachelor – India, Bhutan, Nepal (Nov 2024) [PDF, 589.84kb]
Master – India, Bhutan, Nepal (Nov 2024) [PDF, 690.11kb]
PhD – India, Bhutan, Nepal (Nov 2024) [PDF, 668.80kb]
Research Proposal Guidelines [PDF, 247.38kb]
Starting Medical Education in Germany 2023 [PDF, 220.78kb]
Medical Specialisation in Germany 2023 [PDF, 286.88kb]
Pre-Departure [PDF, 447.94kb]
DAAD Scholarship Menu (Nov 2024) [PDF, 169.63kb]
Indo-German Higher Education Cooperation